Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Series 4: Drug Development requirements through the eyes of FDA

Drug tests  on Humans or Clinical Studies

Clinical trials, also known as clinical studies, test potential treatments in human volunteers to see whether they should be approved for wider use in the general population. A treatment could be a drug, medical device, or biologic, such as a vaccine, blood product, or gene therapy. Potential treatments, however, must be studied in laboratory animals first to determine potential toxicity before they can be tried in people. Treatments having acceptable safety profiles and showing the most promise are then moved into clinical trials.
Although "new" may imply "better," it is not known whether the potential medical treatment offers benefit to patients until clinical research on that treatment is complete. Clinical trials are an integral part of new product discovery and development and are required by the Food and Drug Administration before a new product can be brought to the market.
The FDA is committed to protecting the participants of clinical trials, as well as providing reliable information to those interested in participating. Recently, unethical behavior on the part of some researchers has shaken the public trust and prompted the federal government to establish regulations and guidelines for clinical research to protect participants from unreasonable risks.
Although efforts are made to control risks to clinical trial participants, some risk may be unavoidable because of the uncertainty inherent in clinical research involving new medical products. It's important, therefore, that people make their decision to participate in a clinical trial only after they have a full understanding of the entire process and the risks that may be involved.

Forms & Submission Requirements

Investigational New Drug Forms (IND)

·        FDA 1571 (pdf)  Investigational New Drug Application
·        FDA 1572 (pdf)  Statement of Investigator
·        Instructions for completing FDA forms 1571 and 1572
·        FDA Form Distributions Page. includes links to:
Certification: Financial Interest and Arrangements of Clinical Investigators
Disclosure: Financial Interest and Arrangements of Clinical Investigators
MedWatch: FDA Medical Product Reporting Program - Voluntary
MedWatch: FDA Medical Products Reporting Program - Mandatory
·        For electronic form submissions, see Electronic Regulatory Submissions and Review.

New Drug Application Forms (NDA)

·        Form FDA-356h (pdf) Application to Market a New Drug, Biologic, or An Antibiotic Drug For Human Use
·        Form FDA-3397 (pdf) User Fee Cover Sheet
·        Form FDA-3331 (pdf) New Drug Application Field Report

Abbreviated New Drug Application Forms (ANDA) for Generic Drug Products

·        Form FDA-356h (pdf) Application to Market a New Drug, Biologic or An Antibiotic Drug For Human Use

Orphan Drug Products (for rare diseases and disorders)

·        There is no form, but there is a prescribed format for application for orphan drug status. The section from the regulations that describes the format can be found on this website on the The Orphan Drug Act and Related Law and Regulations page.

Electronic Regulatory Submission and Review (ERSR)

·        Regulations and Instructions for Submitting Drug Applications Electronically.  This webpage provides for information on CDER's program to enable the electronic submission of regulatory information to the Center and the review of it by CDER staff.

Guidelines for Waiver Requests

Guidelines for requesting waiver to current supported clinical study data standard versions.  This webpage provides information on submission of data that does not conform to currently supported standard versions.

Code of Federal Regulations for Investigational New Drugs (INDs), New Drug Applications (NDAs), Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs) and Biologics License Applications (BLAs)
The following Code of Federal Regulations(CFR) sections provide regulations for INDs, NDAs and BLAs.  All parts of section 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations are also available.
·        CFR Sections for INDs

·        CFR Sections for NDAs 

·        CFR Sections for ANDAs

·        CFR Sections for BLAs

Manual of Policies and Procedures (MaPPs

MaPPs provide official instructions for internal practices and procedures followed by Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) staff to help standardize the IND and NDA review process. All CDER MaPPs are available from the MaPP Index web page.

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