Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Series 2: Drug Drug Development requirements through the eyes of FDA

What are e-CTD? Understanding the various tools and softwares for Electronic submissions

The Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) is CDER/CBER’s standard format for electronic regulatory submissions. FDA as a government agency does not recommend specific software or tools. Information on tools, vendors, and eCTD preparation firms may be obtained by Internet search. Its recommend that you choose eCTD software and tools that allows you to build, validate, and view an eCTD.
In addition, there are several non-profit organizations that sponsor conferences and offer training in eCTD, and FDA regularly participates in these events. The FDA would like to work closely with people who plan to provide a submission using the eCTD specifications. Ther first step after would be to submit a sample eCTD for evaluation- Submission Process.
Quick Tips:-
  • Reviewing the Published Guidance and Specifications documents
  • Viewing  recent eCTD presentations by FDA staff
  • Refer to the Comprehensive Table of Contents Headings and Hierarchy for information on document location, and for a regulatory and CFR mapping to the CTD
  • Don’t rush when submitting, since what can seem like a small error can have big implications (such as a wrong digit in your application number
  • Dont forget to take advantage of the Electronic Submissions Gateway and use FDA fillable forms and digital signatures for the fastest processing of your electronic submissions see the eCTD validation specifications for more information. Review the most recent eCTD presentations by FDA staff so you’re aware of current recommendations.
    If you have questions along the way, please do not hesitate to contact the CDER Electronic Submission (CDER ESUB) Support Team at
Guidance Documents
eCTD Specifications
UTILSVersionFile NameMD5 ChecksumSupport BeganSupport Ends
ICH eCTD DTD3.2ich-ectd-3-2.dtd1d6f631cc6b6357f0f4fe378e5f79a2711/2003 
ICH-STF DTD2.2ich-stf-v2-2.dtd0972c10a4dadf3df5d2f41b2026a4a5c8/2003 
US Regional DTD2.01us-regional-v2-01.dtd9d09aa5ffdb44368416e287f9b0ddeeb8/2003 
US Regional Stylesheet1.1us-regional.xslb3bdeb93158b2a30faca4d943b89fba49/2003 
ICH eCTD Stylesheet2.0ectd-2-0.xsl3a07a202455e954a2eb203c5bb443f7711/2004 
ICH STF Stylesheet2-2aich-stf-stylesheet-2-2a.xsl7af15705b92a21ac1a19527cfc5042455/2007 
Valid Values xml2.2valid-values.xml664f584d0631db0414e8789e2a06613b8/2008


Important Note:
CDER's Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (formerly Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communications - DDMAC) does not accept submissions in eCTD format or via the Electronic Secure Gateway at this time.  If received, these submissions will be rejected by CDER.
Submission Addresses for Electronic Documents
Send all electronic submissions (except ANDAs) to:
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Central Document Room 
5901-B Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD 20705-1266
Send ANDA submissions to:Office of Generic Drugs
Generic Drugs (HFD-600)
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research 
Food and Drug Administration
Metro Park North VII
7620 Standish Place
Rockville, MD 20855

General Considerations

Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs)

Please refer to:

Drug Master Files (DMFs)

DMFs should be submitted in eCTD or paper format only. Please refer to:
 Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs)
CDER accepts INDs submitted in eCTD or paper format.  Please refer to:
 New Drug Applications (NDAs)
Please refer to:
 FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway (ESG)
  • FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway:CDER's preferred method of submission is via the FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway (ESG). For more information on the FDA ESG, see the Electronic Submissions Gateway page.
  • Fillable Forms and Automated Processing:
    For automated processing of your submissions, submit an FDA fillable form with each submission. Using a fillable form with or without an additional signed scanned form (and no errors present in the submission) means the submission can be in the hands of the FDA Project Manager and Reviewers in as little as 10 minutes after it is successfully received by FDA via the ESG. This is applicable to both eCTD and non-eCTD submissions.
  • Important Note:
    If, for some reason, you are unable to submit a fully completed fillable form, with an electronic signature, you could submit the completed fillable form (not scanned) without the signature and then provide a second 356h form that uses another method of signature (i.e., a scanned signature). When including a second complete 356h form, do not include "356h" anywhere in the file name. We recommend that you use a filename like "signed-form.pdf" or something similar, while the fillable form would be named "356h.pdf." This will allow our automated systems to correctly find your fillable form, read it, and process your submission appropriately.
 Electronic Document Room (EDR) / Physical Media
  • Physical Media:
    When submitting via physical media, it is recommended that you submit a paper copy of the cover letter (with contact information) and FDA form in case the physical media proves to be unreadable. For more information, please refer to: Specification for Transmitting Electronic Submissions Using eCTD Specifications.
  • All submissions on physical media should be sent to the EDR via the addresses at the top of this page. 
  • Submissions on physical media are loaded and validated through the EDR.
  • If you are submitting through the ESG, it is not necessary to also send physical media to the EDR.
  • For more information on allowable file types or other questions dealing with electronic submissions,
  • please contact:
Declaration by the Blog owner:-
All the information given above has been sourced out from the FDA website, for ease of young researchers to learn the method of drug registration process.

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